Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Escape from the Hamster Wheel

You probably have a vision of what we do here at GRA HQ.  That vision probably sees lots of minion-type creatures sat permanently in a chair, staring at a monitor and checking through endless video games without thought for anything else other than processing the games on an endless hamster wheel of examination.

You may be surprised to discover that in actual fact we do manage to escape every once in a while in order to do other things.  One particular aspect of our secondary work is to go round the country visiting various educational establishments or other interested organisations in order to explain why and how we rate video games.

It never quite ceases to amaze us how people perceive what we do, and it always a great opportunity for us to blow away some of the myths surrounding the PEGI system.  Our presentation mixes talk with lots of illustrative clips from games we have rated and it is interesting to see how audiences frequently become ‘enlightened’ after a presentation.

We would love to do more, but personnel availability, work load (video game examining) and resources make it difficult to do so.  And in case, if you thought that like Gru we have hundreds of minions beavering away like… well, beavers, you’d be wrong.  The whole office comprises some nine people of which a small handful actually undertakes examining duties.

Basically, we are happy to make presentations to any interested party, but we can’t always guarantee making it when you want us to.  However, if you think you’d like us to come and chat to you about the GRA and PEGI then give us a call.  We’ll try to oblige if we can.

That’s enough scribing from me.  Time to get back on the wheel!

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